Monday, February 18, 2008 - at last a live music club for the Real Cranford!

Hello again.

Finally, here's something of a less "ranting" nature, you'll be glad to hear!

Last night Pete and I went down to the Legh Arms, Knutsford, to sample a new live music club that has recently been founded - thanks to the initiative of a band of very talented local musicians. ("Amateurs" in name only!)

In a packed upstairs room, we were entertained by a diverse range of acts: mostly guitars and vocals, but with some electric piano also; and excellent drum accompaniments. There was no particular theme - any musical style being welcomed - and the "stage" was available to all-comers. (I mean, blimey - I even got to perform one of my own pieces in an "open mic" slot.)

I'm delighted that this looks - and sounds - to have the makings of a highly successful venture. It's certainly something that's been sorely lacking in Knutsford for as long as I can recall (and I was practically born here).

Bravo to one and all. Pete & I can't wait for the next gig, in a month's time.

Meanwhile, if you love live music and live in our area, you might want to check out's website.


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