Thursday, February 07, 2008

A message to the next President of the USA ...

... whoever he or she might be.

Hello All,

For those of us who care about the future of the world but who are not eligible to vote in the election that will determine its de facto pesident, there is - thanks to - an opportunity to send three clear messages on our behalf to the main contenders:
  1. Help the world stop global warming
  2. Respect universal human rights
  3. Use diplomacy to prevent war and resolve conflict
The second two issues should be of prime concern to all decent citizens of the world, and we must urge whoever takes on the mantle of President to adhere rigidly to those principles.

With regard to the first message, many climate scientists and other experts are now convinced that we are dangerously close to at least one of several critical "tipping points" beyond which catastrophic climate change would be unavoidable and irreversible.

They also tell us that it isn't too late to avert disaster. Yet. But the time for dithering and lame excuses for inaction has surely gone.


But without the leadership of the world's most influential (for now) superpower it is virtually certain that any measures taken will fall far short of what is needed.

If you want to add your voice, please follow one of the links to in this post.

Lets' try and change - no, SAVE - the world. TOGETHER.


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