Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mount Sinai Bedouin Projects

The picture above shows an example of the excellent embroidery and handicraft skills of the Mount Sinai Bedouin women.

Recently, some of my colleagues and I have been in discussions with a researcher who is coordinating various projects aimed at improving the life-prospects of this small (circa 4000) community, which is based close to the ancient monastery of St Katherine at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Originally nomadic, they were forcibly "settled" in the 1960's, since when they have faced many serious hardships including, in recent years, increasing severity of drought. As a result, their traditional lifestyles and livelihood are under threat unless ways can be found to help them promote their skills to the wider world.

If you are interested in learning more about the Mount Sinai Bedouins you can read about them here, on the website of the South Sinai Foundation.


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