Thursday, November 01, 2007

Friday 2nd November, 2007 - Zhengzhou & Yellow River

7.00 am: it's yet another bright sunny morning. I almost dont believe that a couple of days ago I thought smog was all they got here!

Now, the sounds out of my window are quite a mixture. There's the bright-and-breezy military-style exercise music, but then there is also more of your power-ballad stuff.
I had a go at recording today's offerings out of the window. The regular swishing sound is the janitor sweeping the car-park below. Remember I photographed him yesterday with his broom? Unfortunately I was too late to get the exercises. I may try those tomorrow, although with it being Saturday they may not do them. Even this morning I couldn't spot anyone actually excercising, but the same music and shouted instructions were there. I assume it's just a recording they play automatically at that time.

Shuai phoned to say that unfortunately she won't be able to join us today, owing to meetings. But she has given instructions to Jennifer as to the whereabouts of the shop fo rmy electronic dictionary. She will see me tomorrow though.

Mid-morning, and I popped out to the supermarket for a couple of sticky buns and some fruit for my lunch - as a welcome change from all the real food! Here's a couple of random shots from my way back:

I'll report back again after our trip to the Yellow River.

Well, this is it - under the boat!

Doesn't look very yellow, does it? But Gao Xiao Yu filled a water bottle from it, and it is distinctly cloudy. They reckon it's about half-sand-half-water. That's a bit of an exaggeration though, I'd say.

The river is wide. Very wide; but only about a third of its former width, before they commenced dam-construction projects upstrream. I wonder how many million homes that flooded?

We were visiting a relatively new (ca. 10 years) recreation park about 30 minutes' taxi ride from the city. It has many simulated bits and pieces, and some impressive monuments.
Here's me and The Chairman, for example:

This pose was inspired by the famous photograph of Chairman Mao "inspecting the Yellow River":

Above: these two worthies generally credited with being China's founding fathers; they are the first two emperors, whose names are on the tip of my tongue - honest.

And a few general shots from the day out, in no particular order:

Above: the entrance to the park.

He's doing as "well" as can be expcted, I suppose (groan!)

Above: the horse-rides are farily popular. That vehicle is quite typical for China, incidentally.

Now this is a bit over the top as a dinner-gong, I'd say.

Above: although the river today finishes more or less at the first set of pylons, it used to extend at least to the far set.

A "Mao's-eye view".

Now this is some sort of hydro- scheme: possibly water-filtration; possibly power-generation; possibly both.

Naturally, it's also a children's playground.

I hadn't appreciated, before I came here, what a reare comodity natural green-space is in China. By our standards this park is nothing special; but it provides these city-dwellers with a much-needed breath of fresh-air and calm.

And this has to be one of my favourite shots from the day:

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